New Product Offering & 2021 Roadmap

Wilhem Pujar
Written by Wilhem Pujar
New Product Offering & 2021 Roadmap

Happy New Year 2021

On behalf of the DSLA core development team, I would like to wish our dear community a successful, happy new year 2021! May your aspirations come true, and let us all make a conscious effort to approach the days, weeks and months ahead with renewed resilience and confidence.

While the rest of the world seems to be on the verge of collapsing, the cryptocurrency industry is glimmering with optimism. Proof-of-Stake is taking over Layer 1 blockchain networks, Layer 2 blockchain sub-networks start addressing barriers to enterprise adoption, and there is a rapidly growing number of decentralized applications and protocols that our global community can tap into for education, for inspiration, for utility.

Our team now also possesses all the components it needs to share our full vision for DSLA Protocol, and articulate a more cohesive product offering than ever before.

DSLA Protocol

DSLA is a protocol for developers, designed to streamline the integration of site reliability engineering and parametric insurance to the next wave of connected and online customer experiences.

Once DSLA Protocol’s smart contracts and official documentation will be available, any developer will be able to tap into the protocol’s functions to implement the use case of their choice, and augment the user experience of their existing products.

As developers ourselves, we use DSLA Protocol to build, our flagship Ðapp. It provides a financial hedge against staking infrastructure risks for Proof-of-Stake delegators, while incentivizing the good performance and reliability of staking pool operators.

Think of it as a way to lead developers by example, with a laser-focused use case with high commercial viability.

To ensure that meets its market, we ran hundreds of user interviews with wallet developers, staking pool operators and Proof-of-Stake network teams, and addressed their functional and non-functional requirements with care.

Except for one requirement: the ability to use DSLA Protocol on other blockchain networks than Ethereum.

Agnos & Maxima

To address the need expressed by an ever growing number of potential customers and friends, we are officializing DSLA Maxima, a native, stand-alone edition of DSLA Protocol on your favorite network.

Our network-agnostic product, the original DSLA Protocol running on the Ethereum blockchain, will be identified as DSLA Agnos, moving forwards.

With Maxima, the DSLA core developers are joining forces with the best Proof-of-Stake network teams to enable our community of developers to :

  • Tap into their network-specific capabilities (e.g. Elrond’s high throughput);
  • Access available DeFi protocols using composability;
  • Use their favorite cryptocurrency or cryptocurrency standard;

Furthermore, Maxima will empower the development of new industry use cases that are either not possible on Ethereum today, or a poor fit for a variety of reasons.

High Level 2021 Roadmap

Our overall plan for the year is to:

☝️ Wrap up the scope of our W3F grant bringing value to the Polkadot ecosystem;

✌️ Ship the DSLA Protocol Agnos mainnet release to Ethereum;

🤟 Trigger and ship a new DSLA Protocol Maxima initiative every quarter.

⏰ Q1 2021

DSLA W3F/Polkadot Grant

🔸 [TBA] W3F Grant Stage 1 (Refactoring)

The Polkadot and Parachain scalability prediction platform is refactored.

🔸 [TBA] W3F Grant Stage 2

The Polkadot and Parachain scalability prediction platform is integrated to Polkadot deployment tools.

🔸 [TBA] W3F Grant Stage 3

DSLA Protocol functions are integrated to the Polkadot Ðapp.

DSLA Protocol Agnos Mainnet

🔸 [03/31] DSLA Agnos Mainnet

The DSLA Protocol smart contract are deployed on the Ethereum mainnet.

🔸 [03/31] connects to the DSLA Agnos Mainnet

The Ðapp is deployed to a production environment, and interact with the smart contracts of DSLA Agnos.

⏰ Q2 2021

🔸 [TBA] DSLA Agnos Developer Tools

The official DSLA Protocol developer documentation and SDKs are made available to the general public.

DSLA Protocol Agnos Mainnet

🔸 [06/30] DSLA Maxima “Elrond Edition” Alpha

DSLA Protocol is ported to the Elrond blockchain network to empower high throughput, low fees use cases.

⏰ Q3 2021

🔸 [09/30] DSLA Maxima “TBA Edition” Alpha

DSLA Protocol is ported to a new, unveiled blockchain network to empower use cases in different industry verticals.

⏰ Q4 2021

🔸 [12/31] DSLA Maxima “TBA Edition” Alpha

DSLA Protocol is ported to a new, unveiled blockchain network to empower use cases in different industry verticals.

Next DSLA Maxima Network

Following our partnership with Elrond, the next DSLA Maxima Network will be announced this January 2021.

Join the conversation on Telegram.


About DSLA Protocol

DSLA Token, now on Argent wallet

DSLA Protocol is a risk management framework that enables infrastructure operators and developers to reduce their users exposure to service delays, interruptions and financial losses, using self-executing service level agreements, bonus-malus insurance policies, and crowdfunded liquidity pools.

DSLA Protocol’s flagship use case is to offset the financial losses of Proof-of-Stake delegators and DeFi users, while incentivizing the connectivity, performance and availability of staking pool operators and DeFi service providers.

To learn more about DSLA Protocol, please visit, browse our official blog, and follow @stacktical on Twitter.

Wilhem Pujar

Wilhem Pujar

Core Developer at DSLA Protocol