DSLA Listing Roadmap

Wilhem Pujar
Written by Wilhem Pujar
DSLA Listing Roadmap

When new exchange ?

🎉 Edit: We have officially left P2PB2B for STEX.
🎉 Edit: DSLA/USDT debuts trading on ProBit.
🎉 Edit: DSLA/USDT debuts trading on Bilaxy.

As an early stage business-to-business initiative, with a legitimate use of blockchain and decentralized ledger technologies, the Stacktical Platform has definitely room for adoption. And we’re well aware that we have a lot to learn to achieve our goals as a company.

6 months after our initial appearance on the P2PB2B cryptocurrency exchange, the trading activity of the DSLA token have yet to meet the expectations of our community stakeholders. While this first listing put our company on the cryptocurrency map, and was undoubtedly an important step in the right direction, DSLA needs to be more liquid to fulfill its mission as the utility token of the DSLA Protocol, and empower reward, compensation and staking scenarios on the Platform.

Thankfully, and with the help of our community, we have been exploring several new listing opportunities with this liquidity objective in mind. The result of this effort is a series of regulatory-compliant DSLA listing milestones, that closely follow the development maturity of the collection of smart contracts empowering Stacktical.

Phase  Description  ETA DSLA Protocol Network Maturity Status Exchange
0 Token Generation Event Q3 2018 Genesis of the DSLA Protocol Done  N/A
1 Initial Listing Q3 2019 Alpha available on the Ethereum Test Network Done P2PB2B
2 Bridge 1 Q1 2020 Beta available on the Ethereum Test Network Done STEX
3 Bridge 2 Q2 2020 Release Candidate available on the Ethereum Test Network Done ProBit
4 Bridge 3 Q3 2020 Beta available on the Ethereum Test Network (Ropsten) Done Bilaxy
5 Bridge 4 February 2021 MVP available on the Ethereum Test Network (Kovan) TBA TBA
6 Major Listing TBA Release on the Ethereum Main Network TBA TBA

As you can see, in the short term, we will partner with a new mid-tier exchange in Q1 2020, as we’ll be moving to the Beta phase of the DSLA Protocol and DSLA Network. But our end goal is to list DSLA on a major exchange when, and only when, the Stacktical Platform is ready to demonstrate its full potential.

Network Maturity Description DSLA Protocol Token Integration
Genesis DSLA Protocol smart contracts are not available yet. No DSLA
Alpha DSLA Protocol smart contracts are privately available on the testnet. Test DSLA tokens
Beta DSLA Protocol smart contracts are publicly available on the testnet. Test DSLA tokens
Release Candidate DSLA Protocol smart contracts are publicly available on the mainnet, in limited mode. Real DSLA tokens
Release DSLA Protocol smart contracts are publicly available on the mainnet, without limitation. Real DSLA tokens

At maximum Network Maturity, real DSLA tokens are used by the protocol to empower production applications.

While we originally planned for a major listing in December, there is simply too much blood in the streets, and too little fundamentals, to support this decision at this time. With an intermediary listing and increased liquidity, DSLA will also have a greater chance to meet CoinMarketCap’s listing requirements, and dramatically expand the global reach of the Stacktical project.

The DSLA token is currently being tracked by the following websites:

Coin Tracker  Link
(NEW) CoinMarketCap Here
CoinGecko Here
Coinpaprika Here
Nomics Here


DSLA is currently available on the following decentralized exchanges :

Phase  Description  ETA DSLA Protocol Network Maturity Status Exchange
0 Initial Pool Q2 2020 Genesis of the DSLA DEX Pools Done  Uniswap
0 Bridge Pool 1 Q3 2020 Extension of the DSLA DEX Pools Done  Mooniswap
0 Bridge Pool 2 Q3 2020 Extension of the DSLA DEX Pools Done  Balancer
0 Dex Aggregator Q3 2020 Combination of all DSLA DEX Pools Done  1inch

About DSLA Protocol

DSLA Token, now on Argent wallet

DSLA Protocol is a risk management framework that enables infrastructure operators and developers to reduce their users exposure to service delays, interruptions and financial losses, using self-executing service level agreements, bonus-malus insurance policies, and crowdfunded liquidity pools.

DSLA Protocol’s flagship use case is to offset the financial losses of Proof-of-Stake delegators and DeFi users, while incentivizing the connectivity, performance and availability of staking pool operators and DeFi service providers.

To learn more about DSLA Protocol, please visit stacktical.com, browse our official blog, and follow @stacktical on Twitter.

Wilhem Pujar

Wilhem Pujar

Core Developer at DSLA Protocol